Our mandate is championing the rights of women/girls domestic workers


DWN collaborated with the Kituo Cha Sheria Mombasa branch and through the support of Oxfam Kenya, to mobilize 160 women domestic workers volunteer champions and multi stakeholders for training on human rights protection, reporting, and redress and ensure decent, safe spaces for women domestic workers as well as start grassroots/community-led networks/chapters in Mombasa County. The organization launched a network of women domestic volunteer champions who are working with multi-stakeholders such as administration, County government, workers union KUDHEIHA, faith based organizations, CSO’s to report cases of rights abuse in Mombasa county.

The major outcome included Increased knowledge on human rights protection and labour rights, reporting and redress among the women domestic workers volunteer champions and stakeholders.

• Multi stakeholders training progressed towards identification and ensuring decent and safe spaces for women domestic workers.

• Continuous awareness creation and sensitization on rights of women domestic workers.

• Fast-tracking cases of women domestic worker’s rights violations and GBV cases in the communities and building synergy and strong network to support quality and need-based services to women domestic workers.

• Established a strong network of champions to promote and protect the rights of domestic women workers.

The County Commissioner’s office(administration), C SO’s and KUDHEIHA have committed to support the rights of women domestic workers and undertake the fast-tracking of issues relating to women and girls’ domestic workers which has high rates of abuse in Mombasa county..

This being a pilot project, three (3) safe places for GBV’S cases were identified which are operational within Mombasa County where Women/girls can be referred to and be assisted. Formation of five (5) community’s networks by volunteer champions within Mombasa county in areas of Kisauni, Kongowea, Nyali, Mishoromoni and Tudor) and working/referring women and girls’ domestic workers to multi-stakeholders for professional assistance and support.

This being a pilot project carried out by DWN in Mombasa, eighteen cases were referred by community women volunteer champions to multi-stakeholders for professional assistance and support after the training. Women/girls domestic workers and communities are now able to access justice by logging in to DWN Unstructured Supplementary service data (USSD Code) reporting system without walking long distances, as well as contacting the multi-stakeholders for support.

Women/girls domestic workers are empowered and able to claim their rights as well as aware of employment laws that govern the domestic work duties and responsibilities. Multi stakeholder’s open-door policy to women/girls domestic workers, recognizing the need to uphold the rule of law, recognize women/girls domestic workers in there are and able to offer support as well as refer them to other stakeholders where necessary.

Community volunteer champions have started networks at the communities/grassroots chapters in Kisauni, Nyali, Mashoromoni, Kongowea and Tudor and can carry out awareness even without the dhobi women network presence in Mombasa.